Wednesday, July 03, 2002

ok, so i would have to add the following to my list of assumptions that must be fulfilled before i would submit to 3 months on the road with family or friends or absolute strangers for that matter.....

1. private/free time daily- for sightseeing, shopping etc-
2. opt-out privledges- anybody who doesn't want to go certain places can stay at the hotel; this includes the driver.......
3. extended stays in each main town- so reduce the packing and repacking of luggage, etc.

ok, so i know that this 3 month thing will likely never happen. but a girl can't be too careful, now can she?

ernst, stephan and mom will be back late today. they were approaching kansas city mo, when i phoned them yesterday evening. after i called them on the cell, my brother called on the house phone. for the record, he probably hasn't called since i began this blog. he has not been for a visit for 2 years. he announced that he is coming 'home' for a visit with us for r&r- and will probably stir things up by suggesting to our mother that she give up her car keys. i am not so sure that the time has come for that move- i would be happy if she turns off the books on tape to reduce her distractions. during this conversation with my brother i was again struck by how different we are- he spoke of the necessity for 'military solutions' that involve 'action now and explain later'- and basically blames democrats who are concerned about political correctness for all of the world's problems. buckle up, this visit is going to be a bumpy ride.....

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