Saturday, September 21, 2002

ok, so no one residing in my house seems to know the score from last nights game-even personages who were actually at the game. the score was not on the news last night and it was not in the paper today.....very curious. the baseball incident did make the papers- the father and son who leaped from the stands onto the playing field to beat up the first base coach of the kc royals- both were tatooed, by the way-and apparantly sharing some quality time together when they decided to commit felony battery and assault in full public view. of course, all this pales to gov patton's tearful plee for forgiveness. i have little faith in someone who didn't suspect that any of 440 phone calls made to her personal numbers would leave a paper trail.......i also find amusement in the 5 hour thing- somehow he doesn't strike me as a 5-hour man.......he seems more like someone who would jump onto a baseball field and beat up the first base coach, however.......

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