Monday, March 21, 2005

mixed media....

ok, so the status quo for my morning routine involves internet whilst reading the paper.....obviously neither are read well, but there are places i like to have covered prior to going to work...where obviously the internet's use is controlled/monitored/undersuspicionatalltimes.......i like to read writer's almanac daily.....for tidbits such as today is the birthday of johann sebeastian bach, born in Thuringia in 1685.......this was news to me....because of the place he was grandmother always bought a marvelous salami from a german butcher called thuringer......must be from bach's hometown.....gentle processed meat products go, this stuff is really long as one is not too choosy about what actually goes into making such meat products........i like to read the state and local headlines, the obits, and the front page of the lexington paper....and then the cnn headlines.......there is generally a 3 day lag between many of the worldly cnn articles and the lexington paper unless they are really really big stories......and then i like to read blogs.....alas, my favorite blogs are one-by-one going private.....this i understand.......but i am still that i read them not so much as for the gossip, as for the quality of thoughts put to well...air......since no actual paper is involved.......i continue to search for equally interesting blogs elsewhere......just to fill in......but for now that poetry and quotations and music reviews are seriously high level stuff.........ooops...gotta get ready for work......

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