Wednesday, August 21, 2002

ok, so today is wednesday, and wednesday is the day that my friend gail and i play the lottery- i call her my millionaire friend, by the way, because i am convinced that we will win one day. we will, by the way, establish a scholarship fund at dhs for students who graduate with a 3.5 or higher- . with the rest.....i will buy a paris apartment- something at la muette metro stop which is near the bois de bologne in passy. i have been there several times visiting marmatton museum- it is quite peaceful. in my mind i have decorated it over and over- while i cook or swim laps, both with finds from the flea markets or from a decorator (pierre frey) . this is probably the most personal thing i have disclosed in this blog- my dream paris apt.- of course in my dreams i can actually speak french- not just mumble catch phrases. i suppose i am thinner in my dreams as well, and order bolder wines- but i certainly do not wear foolish heels or plunging necklines..........

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