Thursday, October 30, 2003

ok, so my mom and i had a pretty good conversation tonight, after she brought cayle home.....cayle, who was too sick to go trick-or-treating........who started in moaning on the coach when asked to start her homework....she who had been quiet all day until homeowrk was brought up...............anyway, my mom and i got to talking about the florida right-to-die case that republican jeb bush has 'championed' mother, who is a life-long republican, is totally against the re-instatement of the tube in this woman who has been in a vegetative state for 13 years.....'your father would have been horrified if i had insisted on a tube',.......she recalled......yes, he would have been.....and though it was pitiful to watch him slowly starve to death (nov 18, 2002) it was much better than to watch him linger for years..........none of this playing god would have been playing god to put a tube in, not the other way our family, we let him go to his maker in a serene, positive way....not grasping for life that was no longer there..............hard to believe that a whole year has passed..........

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