Monday, May 17, 2004

brown vs board of ed.....

ok, so the supreme court ruled segregated schools as unconstitutional 50 years ago today.....2 years before i was born, by the way......and today schools appear in danville to be not much better than they were when i moved here 23 years ago.....there is still a totally segregated school for deaf......which does not appear to have nondeaf kids begging to get in.....there is a totally integrated school system...the danville system........and then there is a semi-integrated school system...boyle county schools.....the qualifications for attending danville vs boyle was free choice...up until a few years ago.....therefore parents who lived in the city limited could opt to send their children to the county schools.....even if it meant driving by the danville schools to get to the county schools....and families who lived in the county us...could opt to send their children to the 18 years i worked at the hospital, i spoke to school classes freqently about good eating fully caucasion classes in the boyle schools.....'they' say that things have changed...that there are a few black kids who go to boyle.....mostly to be able to play football......gentle readers....both danville (class A) and boyle (class AAA) won state football titles last year.....we made the decision to send our children to danville based on the % of grads who went on to college......roughly 80% of danville grads versus 50% of least at the time......integration was a factor, but graduation odds tell a big least about expectations in the curriculum, etc.....we were warned against this choice by well-meaning people who assured us that our children would be fearful of even going to the bathroom......where they would surely be beaten up and their lunch money stolen...this has never happened.but i am sure that many parents till make home purchase decisions now based on the school district....a tough choice in that the nicest homes are by the country club (still segregated, by the way, and with no c-w members)and in the danville district......ah well.......such is life in a free society.....

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