Monday, May 16, 2005


ok, so there was discord in the air from the moment i got home......much of it a carryover from last night.......some of it was textile........i cannot believe that i actually thought that the plasticized fabric used to cover the benches matched the the light of day they screamed at each other to 'go away'.......the plastic fabric had been in my mother's attic......and it was put into service when i realized that the older covers were mildewed...and the tablecloth fabric was also on real investment, just making use of what i had stashed away........and so i had to choose......mold or mismatch........ah well.........i shall get over it.....or at least as soon as the tableclothes are put away until such time as they do match the benches........but this is petty compared to more parental issues.....such as the fact that i quoted in a memory book something that was 'come across' and not something offered up to my eyes specifically to read.......and while i can argue til the cows come home that things left about are apt to be read........i was wrong to have read them and to have quoted them.......the fact that these words were brilliant and insightful.....well...that goes without saying.....but i should not have read them...when the piece was offered up to me by the one who found it as brilliant....i should have shrieked, with righteous indignance,....that i could not possibly read an essay found under the keyboard............a work not my own.......but alas....i am a flawed version of the parent i set out to be...........i deserve no forgiveness.......that is all............gentle readers....many who will be leaving home for college this aware that anything left around and about is fair tidy up and lock away every bit of readable material..........just a the very not leave anything of value under the keyboard of a computer needing service..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps its author was only nervous about her work's raw and incomplete state. The version across which you may or may not have come was a very early version of what developed into something much more presentable. The author is considering sending an updated version of the piece, (since you are vital to its title character) and that way it will be yours to keep and read free of guilt.