Saturday, September 09, 2006

bon voyage....

ok, so we had a nice dinner of stuffed salmon and toasted with champagne last evening, and then sat down to enjoy napoleon dynamite as a family.......a sweet last evening before the house settles down to a tidy threesome for another school year.....we are off to the same song, different stanza.....with the news that our tagalong child is flunking spanish......well, news to us since she has flunked tests that she never mentioned she was having....ooops.....difficult to memorize when one doesn't open the book......but i digress from the departure of the child who remembers everything he hears/reads/ has been special to have had him home for 4 solid weeks.......given that he won't be home for thanksgiving and christmas break is rather short......we (as a family) hope to hear from him more often than we did freshman year, if only because we have gotten used to having him around and will go through withdrawal.......ah well.......almost time to rouse the traveler and make him a bon voyage omelet......

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