Sunday, February 18, 2007

the moleskine

ok, so this afternoon i broke open the plastic-sealed journal.....and began the transfer of information.....starting with my newest guidebook (Access 2007) be later enriched with tips from previous trips....rail schedules, museum open/close information, modestly-priced restaurants in each section of town....especially those closest to the hotel...a folded metro map....alternative scenarios for each domino-effect based on what time we actually arrive at our favorite first-day destination is musee d'orsay for lunch in the grand dining room....great food at reasonable prices in outstanding (think gilded mirrors and cherubs)surroundings.....if we do not make it into town in time for this ideal lunch, then i have an alternative scenario that bumps the musee d'orsay meal to another less desirable day.....ah cannot do all the things one wishes on a short jaunt to paris....but one can try.....i value my little moleskine(s) because they are so very trim and unobtrusive....looking refined rather than touristy...a will also print out some useful phrases en francais.....and as we spend money i will tape in receipts...always helpful in filling out custom forms....and record an actual blow-by-blow account of the how we spent our time.....

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