Monday, July 30, 2007

back to destruction

ok, the fray of ulysses, harry potter7....and a lot of rain....i had left my daylily eradication project in limbo.....the digging fork left precisely where i left off......and it was quite a surprise to come back to it this find that many little daylily sprouts had popped up where i had already finished....omg...these daylilies are pesky little buggers.....and so i worked another 45 minutes going back over what i had already dug up....and then put in another hour so so working on down the discouraging.....however, i have discovered some daylily secrets....they spread first by a tender orange horizontal root....and then this root ages into a hardened yellowish root....which appears able to spawn new clusters of the lobe-like part of the lily that lurks beneath the dirt like an iceburg workmates have suggested chemical options.....but these are not really possibilities for someone who wants selected plants to thrive in these locations.....but the destruction doesn't end with daylilies....i also did some work necessary before we have our driveway resealed....the ivy, the lamb's ear, and the dusty miller have all encroached upon the driveway.....almost a foot in some spots....and so i literally cut them off at the actual edge of the pavement......the true sleeping dog chores it to dig up one of my robin hood roses.....the three matching pink roses that flank the front porch....we have to rip out the posts and railings and replace them...given significant rot and/or termite would seem that the paint is the only thing keeping some spots erect....ouch!......and the rose in question is quite near the wood and taking much of the blame for the situation......but that is not a task that i will take on this day......

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