Tuesday, July 17, 2007


ok, so i kinda wish i could just take a really, really long nap until saturday, when the newest and last potter book comes out......just perusing the nytimes this morning fed the flames....with an article about the voice-actor who narrated all the potter books, including the latest.....he says that the ending is a surprise, and of course....ain't telling how it ends.....no matter who asks and how much they offer......he has not even told his spouse....which means they have compensated him well for his services.......or the check won't clear til monday morning.....here at home i have threatened to keep all details to myself....mostly because nobody else has read book 6......and without book 6, book 7 will make no sense.......i am tickled to discover just which of my acquaintances are potter fans......several unlikely folks at work- two tell me they will be at the h-burg walmart at midnight to buy copies for themselves and family members.....nobody wants to wait.....i have pre-ordered mine from amazon, and have no idea if the book will arrive on saturday despite having paid extra for the privilege...i should say....saturday before we get int he car and rive to cincinnati for a baby shower......what clueless person schedules a family event on potter's day.....?.....

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