Friday, November 16, 2007

drugs, tobacco and alcohol....

ok, that i am back home....and have graded the exams given on my behalf while i was gone.....i am horrified to report that not one single person earned an A on this test......and that the most unilaterally missed question was the name of the most popular illegal drug in america......who could miss a question so obvious.....?.....the answer of choice was the most expensive and least available locally......given that nobody can grow it locally......whereas the correct answer is likely being smoked by somebody within a 2 mile radius of my current location as second most-missed question was an alternative name for anti-anxiety medications......most folks went for a made-up name and completely ignored the correct answer...tranquilizers......there were those who could not correctly identify nicotine as the active ingredient in tobacco......and those who contended that tobacco farmers are responsible for the high price of cigarettes......omg....these folks live here and did not quite understand how cigarette pricing works....i did end up giving every student bonus i used illicit rather than illegal for a question...and at least one student complained that this was an unfamiliar term.....and giving 4 points to everyone kept at least one student from flunking......ah well....must not feel guilt.......

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