Friday, September 05, 2003

ok, so this morning's 56 degrees will surely take the lake temp down several degrees......i see my afterwork swims ending be replaced by treadmill walking, which is not so much fun...........i am sad at the end of summer.........i enjoyed listening to bits of the dem. debate this morning on npr........i am encouraged that people like dean are going after the bush jugular when it comes to war and the economy............i see many cracks in the bush reelection armor...........also on news this morning was discussion of whether john hinckley jr should be allowed to go and visit his parents.....he has been in a mental hospital for 22 years after being aquitted by a jury of the attempted murder of reagan by reason of insanity.......the argument for letting him visit his parents.....if he had been convicted his 20 years would have been up and he would be out of prison by now.........this was the guy so in love with jody foster that he wanted to do in reagen to show her how much he cared............certainly he was more than a deranged stalker......but 22 years in a mental hospital certainly has bought him the priviledge to visit his parents in their home.........and surely he has gotten over jody, now that she has 2 children by someone else...........

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