Sunday, December 04, 2005

custodial inteference...

ok, so the big talk at sunday school was the front-page account of the (20's/30's?)babysitter that left danville on friday morning with her 3-year old charge in tow....and didn't arrive back with said child until nearly 4:00 am the next morning...meanwhile an amber alert had been announced and police involved...she claims to have been christmas shopping...and visited friends in winchester....and to have lost track of the time....and the child was unharmed and not especially this woman had kept her since she was born......and though the parents have conceded publically that they do not believe that the sitter meant any harm to their child, the sitter has been charged with custodial interference...a class d felony.....and could face 5 years in jail.......this situation all the more interesting because the family of the 3-year old go to our church and sit near us in the balcony....and i i couldn't help but wonder today in church as i noticed this reunited family during can they send woman who has watched their children for 3+ years to prison for failing to call and let them know where she was and that their daughter was o.k........yes....i can see them insisting that the woman get psychiatric help.....and maybe probation and a ban from watching children in future......but a five year prison sentence?.......i just canot see the justice in justice, and certainly no christian family values like forgiveness or turning the other cheek.....

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