Thursday, December 08, 2005


ok, so today happens to be the birthday of the skank otherwise known as ann(e?) coulter...this from wonkette re: her appearance last night...."I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am," Ann Coulter said onstage at the University of Connecticut. No, she wasn't explaining why she appears on The O'Reilly Factor so much. Instead, she was mocking UConn students for making her job even easier than it usually is. The UConn Undergraduate Student Government paid the controversial pundit $16,000 to speak -- and DC's own Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute kicked in untold thousands as well -- but Coulter lasted only fifteen minutes before using chants of "You suck, you suck" as an excuse to cut her speech short and go straight to the Q & A section of the evening.

Sample Q & A:

One student asked what she would do if she had a child who came out as gay.

Coulter replied: "I'd say, `Did I ever tell you you're adopted?'"

After a half hour of that, Coulter went back to her hotel room, counted her cash, and licked a Diet Newport for dinner. If she had better legs, we would swear she is the new Don Rickles'............i want it known that there are few women who deserve the 's' designation, but i swear she is tops of that list........ Posted by Picasa

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