Saturday, December 03, 2005

payback is a bitch......

ok, so i have always heard that the payback is a bitch....payback for what, you ask?........payback for all of those years of homework that didn't call out for my involvement...our brilliant older children just did their assignments well without much need for intervention......this week we have spent way too much time dealing with a 7th grade science project on simple machines......too much drama has gone down for my taste....and since it is my day was up to me to help our 12 year old to make a second simple machine to go along with the pulley that she and daddy built at the bike shop and to finish off the assignment with documentation........and while i can say that i created a lever/fulcrum setup by stapling used underwear elastic to the triangular block and the wooden ruler and then stapling the pulley string to the long about 10 still has taken the entire afternoon to oversee the drawing of this masterpiece....and the summary and the bibilography........i am emotionally exhausted......i am trying very hard not to make any sweeping judgements on this child's abilities......but let me just say that......payback is a bitch.................

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