Friday, December 30, 2005

dining disappointments......

ok, so......sometimes ones best-laid dinner plans can go awry......and the recipes don't turn out exactly as hoped.....and the combination of dishes falls flat...such as the layered vegetable pate....i should have portioned it and add the sauce myself rather than passing it around as it didn't slice artfully........or underappreciated.....take for example the goat-cheese toasts for the daughter carefully pulled the goat cheese off of each and every toast she grabbed from the platter, and then ate the plain bread......leaving a pile of cheese rounds on her plate.....had i been on top of the hostess-game i would have darted to the kitchen for a few slices of plain baguette....but hind-sight is always 20-20...right?.......granted, everything always seems dimmer than usual when one has a headache......and i hadn't even the sense to find an was nice to see the folks who shared the meal with our family.....and hopefully good company made up for disapppointing food.....

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