Wednesday, February 28, 2007

clear as mud.....

ok, so i drove to yet another workshop in lousiville today......and listned to cd#3 no less than 3 times......and while some things are clearer.....say..the numbers 70-100...i had forgotten how one cyphered those.....other issues are still up in the air.....the narrator is somewhat unclear in her took me a while to figure out that she was saying haut to mean tall......because she saounded so much like oh....and i am used to hearing it as haute with a t sound at the end....ah well......i suppose that there are numerous ways to say anything in enlgish, so i cannot be surprised that there are so many ways to say the same thing en francais....recently a non-blood kin was visiting....and despite the early hour he held out his empty cupped-fist...and quipped it's 5:00 somewhere...i am sad to admit that with our lobby television tuned to country music channels i knew exactly what he meant....and fetched him a beer asap...i'd say toutes suites but i am not sure that is the correct spelling.....if worse comes to worse, i'll point and pay.....silently.....hopefully to will not come to that.......


Anonymous said...

tout de suite!

MM said...

ok, so...that was the chitty-chitty bang-bang memory of how to spell that word.....pardonez-moi.....