Sunday, January 20, 2008


ok, so i opted to walk on the treadmill rather than to go on a hike in 15 degree weather....and just after my walk was over, and i was settled into the rest of harry potter 5 on video.....i heard this semi-explosion....and i ran outside thinking that something like a helicopter was close-by and in dire straits...but there was no sound outside....and so i followed the sound back the whirlpool bathroom...where-upon the hot water was rushing madly out of the tub faucet.....and i tried to turn it off, and when the faucet did not diminish the flow....i ran downstairs to the cut-off the hot water heater.......and then went to thew middle child's room assuming that the pipes had again burst...but there was no water running anywhere.....go figure.....when my astute spouse returned home he dismantled the tub faucet and found that it had literally burst a gasket......a part quickly replaced.......gentle readers.....we had thought about taking an overnight trip given the monday holiday...but had never gotten around to calling either kin in cincinnati or tennessee.....had we left home we would have had quite a the water was running into the tub faster than the drain could remove thing some of us dislike cold weather outings....

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