Wednesday, July 02, 2003

ok, so we are getting closer to the july 4th weekend, which will not be much of a weekend off for the mean mamma.......i am working friday night is our biggest night and we hated to shut down operations on a high volume evening.........we could be wrong, and the place could be empty...........we will see......saturday after work we are driving to tennesee to a pseudo-weber family will be nice to see ecw's brothers and sisters......i get the impression that the second generation will not be attending....only 1 out of our 3 will be there, if that is any indication.......given that 1 sister has breast/uterine cancer and 1 brother has a brain tumor, such get-togethers are a good idea........we will get back sunday night...luckily grandma is back from her trip north, so she will be available to deal with any 'parties' that may break out in our home when some of us are gone...............

i broke down and cut back the rose bush that fell during all of the rain in had completely blocked off the path beneath the deck.....and looked somewhat like the bramble in sleeping beauty.......i am sure that it will recover by next much cut away.........thankfully it was done with blooming before it fell in the first place......i also watered the garden usng the new spray nozzle that i got at big lots of 99 IS the small things in life that add sweetness.............

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