Wednesday, August 03, 2005


ok, so the clerks in our building had to call 9-11 today when a grandmother came in with 3 tiny children, court-ordered custody papers in hand, for wellchild checkups and shots.......and the daughter who had lost custody showed up and started into a ballistic rant/shovingmatch/ came out of nowhere....and the police wer there so quickly one would have thought that they were parked across the street at the dairy queen......which is a one point there were 3 cruisers plus the sheriff......and this mamma was screaming so loudly/outofcontrol that some waiting clients left.....and while i would like to feel badly for someone who has lost reasonable judge will be giving her back custody anytime soon.....especially since she could have been helpful if she had played her cards differently......she could have showed up, and calmly asked her mother if she could be of assistence with specifics of the kids medical histories.......and maybe scored herself some points as a caring, selfless her credit, grandma was calm.....and attempted to direct the mother's attention to the immediate needs of these children......let's get the shots done and we will discuss this all later/privately...........but no...she had those kids screaming and crying.......she got herself marched out the backdoor with an escort off the property.....and the kids got physicals without her....omg.........i have never seen such commotion.............and surely a scarring episode for three innocents.....

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