Monday, March 17, 2003

ok, so after work i invested in grass seed, rose food, pansies, primroses and other assorted hardy annuals.....i decided that if gwb wages war, i will at least have a nicer lawn and a few perky flower pots to distract me in this time of collective insanity.........i am distressed abut the peace activist crushed in israel.....i cannot believe that the tank just ran her over.......wasn't the 10 commandments in the old testament? do not these israeli soldiers read the talmud? probably as well as gwb's war-mongers read the other news.....someone left seabiscuit at the restaurant, and i have been reading it while i await my 2nd front of dhs and in other prime danville 'waiting spots'. i am enjoying this work of nonfiction emmensely........i know little about horseracing....let along racing in the late 30's, but this is prresented so well that i am intrigued.......

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