Thursday, September 22, 2005


ok, so i was about to hold court on herbals before i was asked to book an on-line flight....and so i am back on task.....with regard to herbally based medicanals.....the current spotlight is on a bone-thin supermodel who was captured on the www via a cellphone-photo.....of her consuming ample amounts of illegal herbal....and i find this quite that no woman can be expected to ignore the pangs of hunger that enable such a depleted physique without narcotics.........herbally based or otherwise.....and yet the entire fashion community has stepped back from her like they sawnoevil/heardnoevil/snortednoevil........yeah, is an industry driven affliction.....just like the cycling industry balked at the possibility that lance used medicinals.....or barry bonds used medicinals......or tiger woods?.......or countless publicarena folks.......and it is not like these medicinals popped up recently.......the peruvians were known to march for days whilst chewing coca leaves......and the sherock holmes crowd injected the 7% solution when they were not smoking opium own great grandma was prescribed a lid of hemp daily to treat her least she breathed happy........and baseball greats like ty cobb were known for drinking copious amounts of do we go from here.......wise men like lance retire.....foolish ballplayers like giambi pretend it isn't happening,,,,,,,,,and folks like barry bonds hope that the record books are available........yeah, right........

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