Tuesday, September 27, 2005

potential plot line.......

ok, so last night. before my spouse returned home from his family weekend...i chanced to enter the room of my middle child......to stow away some things that could be his...could be because when one has more than one child anything could be anybodys until proven otherwise...but i digress........when i turned on the light the first thing i noticed was the outside door.....ajar about 2 inches.....omg.......how could this be......we had been in there last tuesday...when we went through his french book shelf overthephone.....so that we could overnight livres en francais from the class he had added..........but since he left for school the room has reverted to shrine status.....nobody goes in without a specific purpose.......and nobody has fessed up to opening the door.......nobody....as in the other 2 persons who are left in this dwindling household........and this begs the question......is somebody secretly living in my basement........yeah, i know that there isn't anybody living in my basement.....but it would make an interesting novel plot, eh?.......a friend of your child has dropped out of school....and doesn't want anybody to know......so he has figured out how to co-exist in your home.....without you suspecting........not living, per se....but at least a place to sleep and have shelter from the elements.......i haven't worked out where this person would park his/her vehicle............it would be more intriguing if it were a female rather than a male......the entrance to this basement room....is not so much secluded as it is away from most ears......and there is hardly any real use for such a secret living space.....as there are 2 completely empty weekend lake houses on our circle.......i do like this thread........don't know where it would/should end up yet........but at least this is something to keep my mind off of food............

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