Sunday, September 11, 2005

more on the least deserving......

ok, so a few days ago i ranted a bit about a committee meeting i had at which a group of local agencies was trying to orchestrate a monthly food distribution through the mobile god's pantry truck.....and how at this meeting the local agencies were worried more about how to keep the least deserving in the county from taking advantage......not how can we help the maximum number of familes, but how can be help only those who deserve our helpi am still appauled at the lack of compassion for the less fortunate.......a similar discussion popped up a family supper last night.....when i own mother started to rant about how there are families that go from church to church looking for handouts....and how her church was trying to network with other churches to keep that from happening.......again, i was horrified by the sentiment of deserving versus undeserving....when none of us deserve any of what we is not like those folks who go from agency to agency are making enough from our their rounds to vacation in the south of france.........and it is not like those well-off don't do the same thing.....just think haliburton......dick cheney's company that is raking in the big bucks off of the no-bid contracts in iraq......they are now set to collect on the billions in no-bid contracts in louisiana and mississippitalk about the undeserving.......what is a few extra boxes of diapers or macaroni and cheese to a poor family when some americans end up with extra millions/billions........and at the expense of the poor who lost everything........they will see far too little of the cash being raised...and those that do reap that windfall harvest of illgotten gains will ironically, be hestitant to give it to charities that help the undeserving poor.......

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