Wednesday, September 28, 2005

the perffect mile.....

ok, so it was the book club plus sam this evening...and sam (the last of the morgan runners) is the most likely of the crowd assembled to actually break the mile record.....and we got to talking about not just landy, and santee, and bannister...but about steven prefontaine....and mary decker slaney and zola budd.....and all of the could have/should have/runners of yore....including mark nenow who peaked after he graduated from u.k.......and mostly we chatted about runners who couldhave/shouldhave/wouldhave....and it came to a larger and more global chat about advantage....whether chemical or physical or in matching singlet and opposed to e.p.o. blood doping.......and we agreed that we are basically resigned to major advantage taking far from folks like bannister who ran a sub 4.0 minute mile while still in medical school...for the thrill rather than the payoff.......

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