Sunday, September 18, 2005

ok, so we hear that my spouse's sister is currently in an albany hospital on iv's to correct dehydration, and getting a feeding tube inserted somewhere in her intestinal tract.......the tube buys her time......but at some point the tumor will simply pinch off the flow of her intestines.....and that will be that......pictured is the greek salad that i composed for our after church lunch in her gazebo.....the last time we were up to visit....on our way back from taking stephan to was a marvelous lunch.....with good wine and pleasant conversation and soothing sounds of the waterfalls from their extensive waterfeature.......i haven't been in the habit of photographing food for quite some time.....mostly i try not to think about food/cooking/eating.....but somehomw the thought of not eating in the traditional way ever is so downhill from the point at which you can no longer eat..........she may be able to take sips of coffee.....omg if i couldn't drink coffee in the morning.......but then i might think differently if i were in her matter what some folks think about tubes....and end-of-life......tubes can allow a person whose body still basically functions to enjoy life in some variation of normal......for a bit longer.......and i am relieved that she and her family chose this path............ Posted by Picasa

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