Monday, April 28, 2008

an april rose?

ok, so for the past 20+ years i have been in an informal competition with my brother-in-law over who has the first blooming rose.....he generally he has so many roses.....but i have the southern-facing slope.....and this year i have a contender......if the sun shines bright on my old ky home tomorrow, stanwell perpetual may bloom......her buds are bulging enough to show me the color that awaits....cream....this rose is set bloom with a record number of buds......nearly 12.....some years in its past,unsuitable location it was lucky to see 3 open blossoms.....thankfully it has taken well to other less hopeful news...the county has mowed down the luneria (money plant) lady's mantle just about to bloom ,and wild phlox.....yes...these plants were stirring things up in the selvages as we drove in and out of our road.....but another week and the show would have been all over......i am curious about the sort of person that would mow down blooming it just another owing assignment, or did this person actually notice the purples and blues go under the blade?......

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