Friday, June 24, 2005

belly laugh......

ok,so the level of my amusement over tom cruise and his vocalizations knows no bounds.....what with his recent stances on ritalin, post-partum depression, brooke sheilds,psychologists being enemies of the state, katie holmes, oprah, scientology, aliens, le tour eiffel, marriage, divorce, children, spirituality, the war of the worlds, spielburg, .........and now......add his argument with matt lauer on the today show.......gosh, tom......can't seem to do anything under the radar these days........can, ya, now?........must be a bit difficult for your sister/manager to spin any of this into something less than jacko-strange........the following was borrowed from a salon piece by lynn harris....she is referring to everybody asking her about when she will have a baby, now that she is married....but the tom cruise part is funny....

It's reassuring to know that if I ever experience postpartum depression, I can just ask Tom Cruise for advice. Because he understands motherhood, because his religious beliefs apply to everyone else, because he is a medical doctor and, most importantly, because it is his business, Cruise -- as you may have heard -- recently criticized Brooke Shields' for revealing in her new book that she took Paxil to cope. (At least I think he did: despite all the hubbub, his remarks to "Access Hollywood" were almost entirely incoherent: Something something "vitamins" something something.) In any event, Shields responded, I hope famously, by inviting him and his new fiancée Katie Holmes to see her in the London production of "Chicago": "I've set aside two tickets. One adult, one child."

of course, shields failed to note which one is cruise...the adult or the child..........either way, i am sufficiently diverted to claim that today is a good day to be alive, and not a)a scientologist b)an alien c)a fiancee of tom cruise d)postpartumly depressed e) on paxil....well.....maybe i could use a hit of paaxil......but i is a very good day.......hey, if tom doesn't take brooke up on her chicago tickets in london...i could take her up on it......all i need is an adult to use the other ticket..........

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