Wednesday, June 15, 2005

book club......

ok, so book club was this evening......and since book club is usuallyt he highlight of my week i went willingly and without the usual i would rather just stay home......stuff that can come up when one is tired and grumpy......bookclub people are some of my favorite people.....and though the crowd was pared down somewhat...the conversation was direct enough and long enough with regards to the book...a light mystery set in miama.......until we got down to the real book clubs often do......this evening we got around to talking about a deceased that many have finally gotten beyond.....and this was a good discussion....given that there are those in our midst who are awaiting sugery, or recovering from surgery, or dealing with the decline of loved ones........letting go is always easier when it is not you who has to loosen the grip......i held back a bit from this chatter......i am still a mite hurt from the fallout about a similar conversation that took place at my bookclub meeting....which i thought went so well until i heard that the widow had been offended at things that were said/i said/somebody said........i suppose that is the way things go with friends...and loved cannot say much without hurting somebody, or at least hitting a nerve......we will get together one last time this summer.....we picked a the that our yet to go back to school scholars can have a go at one last gathering.......hopefully all of our college children can read the kite runner before august 2........should be a nice time.......

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