Tuesday, June 14, 2005

yard sale......

ok, so i have never had a yard sale......and this saturday will be the first......and maybe the last if i find the experience too much for my nerves......i like the goodwill experience because of the decided lack of bickering on price.....and i must anneal myself toward those who would take away my treasures for 25 cents rather than $1......i have dragged many things out from many hideyholes......cookbooks, clothes, cooking equipment......i am ready to part with the quart canning jars....these days i only make up things like salsas and chutneys in pints or halfpints.....and chairs.......wow.....i have at least 12 chairs of varying values......such a big to-do...this is why i have always just driven my stuff to the goodwill to get rid of it.....so much less of a hassle.....pray for me, gentle readers....until about 1:00 saturday afternoon.........

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