Tuesday, June 07, 2005

illegal smiles.....

ok, so this afternoon.....i dealt with a client and her toddler....and could not get over the characteristic scent of illegal medicinals that clung to them both......and since neither fessed up to glaucoma or chemotherapy.....i can only suppose that the use is recreational and not therapeutic.....no matter where my personal feelings on the use of this herbal may lie......the involvement around toddlers is another thing altogether........what was this woman thinking.....other than she was not thinking clearly.........she must have some sort of sinus problem....to not be aware that the scent clings........but then...most cigarette smokers i meet up with seem surprised when i ask hoew many packs a day they smoke....not if they smoke.....like this is undercover information that nobody else knows about....ha....smoke clings to the fingernails, the clothing.....any paperwork they handle......their hair, their diaper bags.....yech!........but back to my main premise........an arrest would result int eh immediate removal from such a child from the home.......so why did i not raise the alarm?......because i could not be sure.....now could i?.....being that my sinuses have been acting up......and while i have great certainty....there is certainty....and there is taking away your children certainty....and they are two different things.....altogether..........

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