Thursday, June 02, 2005

the washintonienne

ok, so yesterday, the anonymous blog that was turned into a novel after the blogger was outed and fired from her washington job was published..........the blogger got around as they say in polite society......and blogged about each tryst in graphio details....using only the partners initials but basically identifying them by their job of her former playmates, an suing her over the embarassment caused him by the revelation that he likes to spank.........this is quite amusing to that the suit doesn';t actually appear to deny that this guy likes to spank, just that he has been embarassed by the public knowledge of this diversion.......ha!......there are few activities in this world that one can expect privacy.......such as bathroom habits, i suppose.......but when one involves a partner who has not signed any sort of privacy agreement......and most sexual partners aren't asked this question.........then one can expect most of one's personal foibles to be gossip at the very least........and for this guy to go so far as to file suit, which brings even more, concentrated attention to his little ways.....the action seems incredibly foolish....and the fact that this is a republican.......well....the christian right would say that this is precisely what one gets when one engages in marriage outside of wedlock.......not essentially true.....and many a divorce-court proceeding as included worse revelations.......but i digress.....for my part, i have no interest in reading the actual is simply the notion of turning one's blog into fiction that intriques me......and sadly......i have few such juicey details in my personal life......her book will be a hard act to follow............

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