Thursday, June 23, 2005

typhoid kathy......

ok, so i have been holding back on this embarassing little detail about my work life.........i had gone months and months with only the use of a shared pc in the health departmentlab area, when suddenly the administrator decides that i can use the laptop that was in the storage closet...the one that they use for powerpoint presentations.......all well and good.....but then i waited months and months for the tech guy to come and hook it up to the state system so i could get state email, be connected to the shared well as to the wwweb.......the day after these hookups were made.....i was googling some of the ingredients on the back of a formula can.....when my phone rang.....the voice identified himself as yet another teck guy from the state, and then instructed me to disconnect from the web laptop had a virus....and was beginning to infect the state system.........seems that our tech guy had not thought to update windows 2000 on this laptop.....and thus none of the security patches for known viruses were in play when i was online......oooops........hopefully the situation will be remedied today......while i am away at the thursday health department.......and ready for me to party on friday morning........and luckily i was googling formula ingredients, rather than buying underwear, or some such non-work task........

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