Sunday, July 25, 2004


ok, so we will be driving up to new york this sunday..........with a detour to niagra falls......but not one to cooperstown......not this time around...............we went there as a side trip years ago........and we marveled that pete rose's belongings from his best season were there......but not his face on the actual walls of the hall of fame.................i bring this up now because there was a little balloon on-line this morning........testing the waters for the potential for george steinbrenner to be in the hall of fame....given his great contributions to the sport....................gentle readers...............for charlie hustle to be denied entrance to the hall of fame because he gambled on baseball, sullying it's reputation making money off of it diminished it..............but for george to be somehow allowed in.......because he enhanced the buying and selling human lives in the hopes of making money off of the does this make any sense................ i was intrigued ot read on-line about the induction of paul molitor to the hall of fame............i am pretty sure that i saw him play once against the reds at riverfront..............he seemed to be a passionate age, actually...from reading his bio..........which means that he is pretty darn young to be inducted...............which brings me back to my point............passionate players belong in the hall of fame......whether they were saints or not.............well.......only god himself need be the judge..................for me............i would like to see pete rose inducted on next year's ballot..................and if george steinbrenner make it there before pete.................then all hope for the future of baseball as we know it lost.....................

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