Sunday, October 15, 2006


ok, so i got on a rare cleaning whirl this afternoon........tidied up my closet.......stowed sleeveles shirts and shorts and brought out the long-sleeve things.......rearranged my drawers.....and then went through the upstairs books.....including the books that had been under my side of the bed.....and boxed up those i could live without....which were far many than i'd have laid money on before i started.......and if i went through the remainder of the books i call my own i could probably come up with more....and then i sorted through baskets to the point that i was able to put three empty file-size ones in the spare bedroom for future use......and then i started in on my 'desk' which i have never actually used for work because it is much too came from the stephan side....uncle bill stephan......and therefore i am hoping that the namesake child can find room for it in his future, practical or not......that was the discussion at sunday school for a time...the notion that one needs to keep family things gotten from the breakup of households (to death or nursing home) for the children who do not yet have homes of their own......a classmate who has lost her mother and her fatherinlaw in the space of 2 weeks commented that her garage is now filled with these treasures to the point that they can no longer park their vehicles under roof.......which reminds me that much of our storage space is filled with key items that we will want our children to inherit....and that is without accounting for what is still in my mother's house......the thought of having to sort through my mother's things at some point is daunting.....hopefully that day will hold off until...say....12 more years when i shall hopefully retire....and be able to sort at my leisure.......

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