Saturday, July 01, 2006

20-odd foot........

ok, so the mm has finally broken down and launched into the much needed brick-path redo.......between yesterday and this morning i have reset about 20 feet of path.....meaning that i have removed all existing mortar, dirt, weeds and other flotsam that had settled between each progress on the re-mortaring that my spouse has noticed that i bought 6 bags of the wrong mix......the kind that has gravel rather than the kind that does not.......oy!......the good news about the cleaning out part is that those brisk can sit in place until i am darn good and ready to sweep the mortar into the cracks....which might just be when somebody goes and buys the right mortar mix.........gosh that sounded mean.....but then i have been at it since 7:00 am and i am tired and cranky...and bitten......i underestimated the bodily impact of biting ants...........i think i'll take a little break and watch world cup...england versus portugal........maybe i'll walk on the treadmill for a couple of miles.......

1 comment:

MM said...

ok, so....make that 40-odd foot....from the first boxwood on the curve...down to the redbud by the cabin.....tomorrow i will try to do in front of the cabin...and on toward the mower shed...then work my way up to the front of the house....and lastly finish off the straightaway infront of beds that front the road.......maybe by next weekend?........