Sunday, July 23, 2006


ok, so....i have avoided this blog about paris........skirted around it like the tour today riding endless miles in the environs before blasting onto the champs d-e...........the stage started in sceaux......i have been to a chateaux with a lovely park that had an exhibition in it's orangerie of impressionist garden was one of those singular experiences where i had to take the banluie (sp) train then the hopeful direction in that there were no signs.......but i digress from paris.....i have not been to paris in 2 years.......which to some could be seen as a greedy statement rather than one to court pity.......2 years since...and no trip on the horizon.......or at least no trip with a date certain.....i want to go with my 13-year-old.....but the cosmic forces must allign to make this happen this year........and even the prospect of that trip is one of dread rather than i would travel with one who does not embrace the culture.......i could be better off planning a weekend at disney world...but i will not take that path.........a bad time in paris is always better than a medicocre visit to the magic kingdom..........but today...watching the scenery around the tuilleries, the place de concorde......the seine.....rue de rivoli.......ah.......i can almost smell the deisel fuel and taste the cafe creme.......i want to update an earlier blog...the one about floyd's seems that floyd did fly them to paris several years ago to see him finish his first tour.....they were very uncomfortable with the experience....and this year they opted to watch....on somebody else's must keep with one's standards.......and i say this as one who took a no-cable vow 25 years ago.....fearing that such free-range access to television would ruin us all......who's to say if we were right or wrong.......and now we watch recorded stages rather than live t.v......which is not so different than floyd's mamma walking next door daily to watch her son's performance.......and think about floyd in paris......where i'd rather be........

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