Friday, July 28, 2006

colbert report.....

ok, is not like i haven't anything better to do.....i actually put in 1.5 hours of after-hours consulting......i arrived home with the pavement steaming from the downpour........and concluded that outdoor labor was out of the question.....and took to perusing my favorite sites.......all of which had colbert clips from youtube......wonkette/crooksandliars/smokinggun/gawker........i especially enjoyed the delegate from older black woman who took colbert to task because he doesn't pronounce the 't'...and asked him what part of paris he was from....all this in response to colbert asking her why she doesn't get to vote in the house, even though she is a delegate (d.c. isn't technically part of the united states......).....she was brilliant as a sparring partner for colbert....of course....earlier in the week we had the word on ralph reed.....which i played for my spouse after he heard my bellowing guffaws.......that has to be one of colbert's best pieces.....aside from his roast of dubya.....who is probably still swirling the evening around in his mind....seeking clarity......and then the wexler funny....and the guy who tried to put through legislation requiring the 10 commandments be posted in congress....who could not recite even one.......precious..........yeah, yeah...the sun has come out....but wet bricks still hide wet dirt....and that would be just too messy for this late hour.....better wait til morning to do anymore physical work........

1 comment:

MM said...

ok, so a rejected comment to this blog was as follows 'Learn to capitaalize, spell and punctuate properly. '.....agreed...i'll learn how to do capitals when you learn to spell the word........